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Qualified Autism Services Practictioner-Supervisor (QASP-S) Coursework


This course is provided under the auspices of Pleasant Places Training Academy, a certified training partner under the auspices of the Qualified Behaviour Analysts Board (QABA) by a team of trained and certified professionals. The QASP-S Coursework prepares you to become a mid-tier level professional after completing 180 Coursework hours. The course is split into three semesters which is covered over a period of 9 months. Fees are paid per semester. You will be expected to complete supervised work  hours before writing the board exams.


This course is provided under the auspices of Pleasant Places Training Academy, a certified training partner under the auspices of the Qualified Behaviour Analysts Board (QABA) by a team of trainedand certified professionals . The QASP-S Coursework prepares you to become a mid-tier level professional after completing 180 Coursework hours. The course is split into three semesters which is covered over a period of 9 months. Fees are paid per semester. You will be expected to complete supervised work  hours before writing the board exams.


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