This course is provided under the auspices of Pleasant Places Training Academy, a certified training partner under the auspices of the Qualified Behaviour Analysts Board (QABA) by a team of trainedand certified professionals . The QASP-S Coursework prepares you to become a mid-tier level professional after completing 180 Coursework hours. The course is split into three semesters which is covered over a period of 9 months. Fees are paid per semester. You will be expected to complete supervised work hours before writing the board exams.
Qualified Autism Services Practictioner-Supervisor (QASP-S) Coursework
This course is provided under the auspices of Pleasant Places Training Academy, a certified training partner under the auspices of the Qualified Behaviour Analysts Board (QABA) by a team of trained and certified professionals. The QASP-S Coursework prepares you to become a mid-tier level professional after completing 180 Coursework hours. The course is split into three semesters which is covered over a period of 9 months. Fees are paid per semester. You will be expected to complete supervised work hours before writing the board exams.
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