I am an Educator, a Board-Certified Cognitive Specialist, an Applied Behaviour Analyst and a Certified trainer who is dedicated to building the capacity of parents, therapists, teachers, and caregivers and equip them with knowledge and skills to address the different needs of children and individuals.
I believe in the creation of a supportive and enabling environment for children of all abilities to attain their innate potential through provision of competent and passion driven services that make sustainable impact.
Mrs Jonathan holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in English Language and Literature form the University of Benin, Master of Business Administration specializing in Human Resource Management (University of Wales), Master of Science in Education from Walden University and is completing a Board-Certified Behaviour Analyst Coursework with Brandman University.
Daisy is an Educator with strong skills in setting up educational systems and curriculum planning, assessment, and evaluation. She is also an QABA Board Qualified Behaviour Analyst, a Board-Certified Cognitive Specialist (BCCS), an Advanced Certified Autism Specialist (ACAS) .She is also is a Certified Sensory Enrichment Professional and a Certified PEAK level 1 Professional.
She is a Certified trainer who builds the capacity of parents, therapists, teachers, and caregivers and equips them with skills, knowledge, and referrals to address the educational and developmental of Students under the auspices of her Training Academy (Pleasant Places Training Academy) and lectures part time in some educational and training institutions.
She has worked as a Training and Educational Consultant for international and Nigerian organisations in the field of Education, Community mobilisation, needs assessment and Resource Mapping. She consults extensively in the use of Participatory Learning Approaches (PLA) and Strategic Behaviour Change Communications approaches among young persons.
Daisy has trained thousands of community leaders, school leaders, in and out of school youths and participated in the Design, implementation and monitoring of programs targeted at skills acquisition and behaviour reduction programs amongst Most at risk Communities in the development sector..
She also trains teachers and therapists and supports schools and religious institutions to plan and implement inclusive and Special Education Needs (SEN) curricula and systems. She provides assessments, education and behaviour plans using tried, tested and proven methodologies and tools.
Daisy believes in the creation of a supportive and enabling environment for children and individuals to be able to reach their innate potential and to this end, she regularly engages in advocacy and sensitization programs as well as engagement of stakeholders in the health and education sectors and via various media programs. She is a regular speaker in several international programs and conferences
She is the convener and originator of Autism and Special Needs Support Africa (ASNSA) a platform for stakeholders in the autism and Special Needs sector to get information, skills and support as well as the Warrior Mums Support Group- a social media support Group with membership of about six hundred mothers of Special Needs Children drawn from over sixteen countries.
She is an executive member of the Association for Behaviour Analysts in Nigeria where she functions as the Financial Secretary and Treasurer and is a member of several education boards and forums in Nigeria and Internationally.
Mrs Jonathan is the Director, Pleasant Places Education Centre and Pleasant Places Therapy Centre in Port Harcourt, Nigeria as well as Pleasant Places School , Lagos , Nigeria.
She serves as founder and Executive Director of Pleasant Places Childcare Foundation, a non-governmental organization targeted at meeting the needs of children with social, educational, and developmental needs especially among poor and vulnerable populations.
She has a thriving Teenagers and Mature Female Singles Ministry and is the convener of Ability Bible School, a Faith based weekend club for children and teenagers.
Daisy is an ardent reader and researcher who has won series of awards in Creative Writing and for her contributions in the field of Education..
She is the convener and originator of Autism and Special Needs Support Africa (ASNSA) a platform for stakeholders in the autism and Special Needs sector to get information, skills and support as well as the Warrior Mums Support Group- a social media support Group with membership of about six hundred mothers of Special Needs Children drawn from over sixteen countries.
She is an executive member of the Association for Behaviour Analysts in Nigeria where she functions as the Financial Secretary and Treasurer and is a member of several education boards and forums in Nigeria and Internationally.
Mrs Jonathan is the Director, Pleasant Places Education Centre and Pleasant Places Therapy Centre in Port Harcourt, Nigeria as well as Pleasant Places School , Lagos , Nigeria.
She serves as founder and Executive Director of Pleasant Places Childcare Foundation, a non-governmental organization targeted at meeting the needs of children with social, educational, and developmental needs especially among poor and vulnerable populations.
She has a thriving Teenagers and Mature Female Singles Ministry and is the convener of Ability Bible School, a Faith based weekend club for children and teenagers.
Daisy is an ardent reader and researcher who has won series of awards in Creative Writing and for her contributions in the field of Education..
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